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Commercial and Industrial Epoxy Flooring

As a top-quality provider of commercial and industrial epoxy flooring, Patriot Coatings LLC takes pride in serving businesses and establishments of all kinds. There are instances where commercial grade epoxy is a valuable choice depending on the industry. Whether you want to correct chips, cracks, or deterioration, or your concrete needs to be remodeled, we’ll provide you with a durable coat and a stunning finish. We aim to make your concrete match your business’s aesthetic and provide a safe surface for your customers and employees.

Types of Concrete Coatings Sytems:

Searching for the best concrete coatings for your business or commercial Space? We have a wide variety of commercial and industrial concrete coatings systems that will grantee to fit your every need. Let our experts guide your through our products and process to ensure you are getting top quality protection that will last for years!

Signature | Marble | Hybrid Flake System

High-performance flooring systems create seamless surfaces that are extremely durable and easy to maintain. The non-porous surface makes spills easy to clean and provides superior protection against the growth of mold and bacteria compared to tile and grout options.

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Quartz Flake System

Extremely slip-resistant high-performance flooring systems create seamless surfaces that are extremely durable and easy to maintain. The non-porous surface makes spills easy to clean and provides superior protection against the growth of mold and bacteria compared to tile and grout options.

Chemical Resistant Novolac Epoxy

Novolac epoxy flooring systems are suited for industrial and institutional applications. Compared to standard epoxies, Novolac epoxy systems provide outstanding chemical resistance, along with higher operating temperature and impact resistance.

High Traffic Urethanes

High-Wear Urethane is a unique high performance, low VOC urethane floor coating that provides superior resistance against abrasion, UV exposure, and weathering while imparting excellent flexibility.

DUR-A-FLEX Shop Floor

Shop Floor is a seamless, slip resistant pigmented flooring system with thickness consisting of 100% solids epoxy and natural quartz aggregates. Easy to maintain and durable, Shop Floor is ideal for industrial flooring applications and features a chemical, UV, and wear-resistant urethane topcoat.

Metallic Epoxy

The finished appearance of the Metallic flooring system can vary from gradual, subtle changes in color to more distinctive and exciting effects. Each project is truly unique, and colors can be combined to create a one-of-a-kind custom masterpiece.

Commerical Epoxy Flooring Servicing Kanas City, Denver, DFW, Tampa, Alabama, and Chattanooga!

The team at Patriot Coatings LLC is part of an independent, veteran-owned and operated business. We service the greater Kanas City area, Denver, Fort Collins, Fort Worth, Dallas, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Birmingham, Huntsville, Chattanooga, and Knoxville!


You’ll receive comprehensive guidance and support throughout the process, from choosing your coating’s style to applying the final touches on your installation. Our commercial applications are provided with a 5-year warranty, so you can feel confident knowing that your coating will perform and handle your business’s needs excellently. Your concrete coating will last longer and maintain durability and beauty better than any other concrete coating solution.

Get a World-Class Concrete Protection Solution Today